Settings for new analysis.
Enter the correct settings for analysis.Details
The settings used for analysis must be entered on this page.Patient information
The patients body weight is used when parameters are standardized to weight, e.g. tidal volume in ml/kg. Default setting is 1kg, in which case these parameters are divided by one.
Measurement information
A leak threshold must be entered for analysis of leakage. Only leakage greater than the set leak threshold is calculated. Whenever leakage is less than the set leak threshold, the leakage is set to 0%.
The assumed ambient temperature in �C can be entered here. This value is used in ATPS-BTPS correction (see below). The default ambient temperature is 20�C.
ATPS-BTPS correction
ATPS - BTPS correction is used to overcome the differences in volume that gas has at different temperatures. For more information see "Gas volume temperature relation".
Default setting: ATPS - BTPS correction in ON. Inhaled gas has ambient temperature, expired gas has body temperature.
When inhaled and expired gas are of same temperature, no ATPS - BTPS correction is needed (e.g. inhaled gas is heated to body temp; bench test or calibration syringe).
Optionally, ATPS - BTPS correction can be turned off. This may be needed when ATPS - BTPS correction already took place by the used measuring device.
The spirometric analysis is continued by clicking Process. This button directs to the screen "Process the source file and calculate spirometric parameters".
Directs back to the start screen ("Initialization of the SPIRO APP").