Pulmochart Reference (ver. 5.5)
Loops review in the SPIRO app.

Results of FLOW/PRES analysis - loops


Resulting loops from the flow pressure analysis.


During the design of loops the spirometric results are reviewed again. The trend-lines of the spirometric results file Select file (default: Analysis ... SPIRO All): are reviewed. In this panel also an other file can be chosen for the review and loop design.

Spirometric results monitor
This reviewer shows the previously calculated spirometric results.
The signals in the reviewer can be scrolled by dragging the scroll bar at the bottom or the yellow Center Cursor in the reviewer to the left or right.

Additionally the signals can be scaled and zoomed by clicking the respective buttons at the right of this viewer (top down).
1. button: automatic zeroing of the offsets of all signals.
2. button: automatic adaption of all signal offsets (shifting up and down)
3. button: automatic scaling of all signals (adaptation of the shown signal ranges according to the value ranges of the signals) If a signal is indicated in the reviewer and it is not visible, this might be due to an inappropriate value range.
4. button: zoom out
5. button: zoom in

In the Selection window the displayed time in the reviewer can be set, default is 1s.

Flow/Volume Loop and Pressure/Volume Loop
This viewer shows flow volume- and pressure volume loops. Each new flow volume loop starts with an inspiration, a positive flow (above Vt-axis) (red curve), and ends with an expiration, a negative flow (below Vt-axis) (blue curve). The pressure volume loops behave similar to the flow volume loops.
The axes can be scaled by clicking the respective zoom out, zoom in, and auto-scale buttons below the viewer.

Store figure of loops
This button stores the loops from the results of FLOW/PRES analysis - Loops and the loops from the review spirometric signals and design loops as a pdf file.
For each analysis Pressure/Volume loops and Volume/Flow loops are stored.

<< Show BrT results
This button directs back to the breath triggered results review ("Breath triggered results of FLOW/PRES analysis - trendlines").

>> Main
This button directs back to the start screen, from where either a new analysis respectively review can be started or the app can be exited ("Initialization of the SPIRO APP").