Store results of FLOW/PRES analysis per breath
The continuous respiratory results are reviewed. Furthermore they can be labeled and converted into breath triggered results.Details
On this screen the spirometric signals can be reviewed and labeled. The reviewed file is indicated above the Spirometric results monitor: asSelect file (default: Analysis i SPIRO j All):.
Spirometric results monitor
This reviewer shows the previously calculated spirometric results.
The signals in the reviewer can be scrolled by dragging the scroll bar at the bottom or the yellow Center Cursor in the reviewer to the left or right.
Additionally the signals can be scaled and zoomed by clicking the respective buttons at the right of this viewer (top down).
1. button: automatic zeroing of the offsets of all signals.
2. button: automatic adaption of all signal offsets (shifting up and down)
3. button: automatic scaling of all signals (adaptation of the shown signal ranges according to the value range of the signals) If a signal is indicated in the reviewer and it is not visible, this might be due to an inappropriate value range.
4. button: zoom out
5. button: zoom in
Cursor values:
The signal values at the current cursor position in the Spirometric results monitor are displayed.
Values of variables (t=center cursor):
The spirometric results for the current cursor position in the Spirometric results monitor are displayed.
Label the breaths (optionally)
The breaths can be labeled with five different markers. The markers should be dragged between two inspiratory onset. All markers can be shifted or deleted, if they are not at the desired position. Markers employ red cubes which arise by hovering above them. These red cubes can be moved to shift the markers. Clicking on the red cubes deletes the markers.
The labeled breaths are indicated in the Breath labels: panel in the lower right corner.
Breath labels:
This panel indicates the time and the type of the set markers.
Store breath triggered results
The spirometric results can be stored as breath triggered results. The name of the resulting file is shown below this button. The progress of the storage is shown in the Progress: display. The storage process can be stopped by clicking Stop.
Resulting file:
The file with the breath triggered results is called "...All SPIRO N BrT.csv", where "N" is the number of the current analysis.
The progress-bar shows the progress of the storage of breath triggered results, starting with 0/100%.
This button stops the storage of breath triggered results.
This button directs back to the calculation of spirometric results ("Process the source file and calculate spirometric parameters").
Show BrT results >>
This button directs to a review of the spirometric and the breath triggered results ("Breath triggered results of FLOW/PRES analysis - trendlines").