Temporal respiratory parameters
The SPIRO app considers the inspiration time (Ti), the expiration time (Te), ration between inspiration- and expiration time (Ti/Te).Details
Inspiration time (Ti (s))Ti is the period of inspiration. Ti is measured as the time between the detected inspiratory and expiratory onsets of the flow signal.
Expiration time (Te (s))
Te is the period of expiration, see [Tobin2013] p.89. Te is measured as the time between the the detected expiratory and inspiratory onsets of the flow signal.
Ration between the inspiration- and the expiration time (Ti/Te ())
The ration between the inspiration- and the expiration time is calculated as Ti/Te.
Respiration time(T(s))
The respiration time is the duration of a respiratory cycle, between two inspiratory onsets. T is equal to the sum of Ti and Te of one breath.
Count ()
Count is the number of breaths in a signal, that is equal to the number of detected inspiratory onsets. Since count is a continuous parameter, it assigns an increasing number to each detected breath.
(deprecated: calculation in the SPIRO app, since version 4.5 calculation in the Start app)
Breath rate(BrPM ())
The breath rate is calculated for each breath as 60s/T.