Pulmochart Reference (ver. 5.5)
Describes the rules for the '>' sign.

Greater than (>)


Use the symbol
to notate the inequality 'greater than'.

For example:

A > B


A is greater than B


The expressions a and b in the inequality a > b should be substituted by any of the following:
- a fixed text string, for example hypertension
- a fixed numerical value, for example 12.3, also valid is 12,3
- a global variable, for example $hour$
- any other variable or variable parameter, for example $Design.Constant 1.Value$, or $FirstName$.

Variables are substituted by their current values at the time the inequality is processed. Spaces around the expressions are trimmed automatically.

The way the inequality is solved depends on the type of its expressions:

Both expressions are numbers
The inequality is handled according to numerical rules.

Both expressions are textual
If a text string is to be compared to another text string, then comparison is handled in an ordinal fashion like is used for alphabetic (lexical) sorting.
For example:
a > b evaluates to FALSE, because the letter b lexically follows on the letter a.
Peter > Pete evaluates to TRUE, because lexically Peter follows on Pete.
HELLO > hello evaluates to FALSE, because capitals are listed before non-capitals.
a2 > a10 evaluates to TRUE, because the character 2 is listed after the character 1 (!).

One of both expressions is textual, the other is a number
If one of both expressions is a text, then the other expression is also handled like text.