Pulmochart Reference
The RIP app determines parameters from the RIP signals.



In this app either preprocessing for a new analysis or a new RIP (Respiratory Inductive Plethysmography) analysis can be performed or a previous analysis can be reviewed.
More information about Respiratory Inductive Plethysmography (RIP) can be found in "Respiratory Inductive Plethysmography (RIP)"


The analysis is based on the inspiratory and expiratory onsets of the RIP signals, detected in the Start app. These breath detection results are obtained from the measured signals of the abdomen band and the thorax band. For some analyses also a calibration of the sum signal of both measured signals including breath detection is required.
After the initialization of the RIP app ("Initialization of the RIP APP") either a sum signal calibration with breath detection for a new analysis or a new RIP analysis can be conducted or the results of a previous analysis can be reviewed.

The calculation of some RIP parameters requires a calibration of the sum of the measured RIP signals. This preprocessing step is optional and consists in
-the calibration of the sum and the detection of the respective inspiratory- and expiratory onsets ("Calibrate RIP signals by applying quantitative diagnostic calibration (QDC)").

New analysis
A new RIP analysis consists in
- the RIP parameter calculation ("Process the source file and calculate RIP based parameters") and
- a review of the obtained results, see review of previous analysis

Review of previous analysis
During the review different RIP parameters can be reviewed one after another:
- functional residual capacity (FRC) changes ("FRC changes of (file name)")
- tidal volume changes ("Tidal volume changes of (file name)")
- phase shifts ("Phase shifts of (file name)") and
- inspiration:expiration (I:E) relation ("I:E relations of (file name)").