Pulmochart Reference
Main Screen of the patients and measurements management program.

Data Manager Main Screen


This is the main screen from which you edit and add patient information, select and view measurements and start measurement and post-processing applications.

User Interface

Log-in screen

This screen is displayed after starting up, or after the current user has logged off. If the Data Manager is set-up for touch screens, then a key pad is displayed, so that a password can quickly be entered.

1. Current user
Click to open the Change Password dialog, to change the password of the current user.

2. Log in

3. Input field
Fill in a password to access patient and measurement data. Default password for the standard user is 0000. Press Enter to continue, or press the Log In button.

Data Manager Main Screen

This is the main screen after you have logged in.

1. Current user
Click to open the Change Password dialog, to change the password of the current user.

2. Export
Opens a dialog that helps to save measurements onto another storage medium. See also "Export Measurements".

3. Import
Opens a dialog that helps to import measurements from another storage medium into the current data set. See also "Import Measurements".

4. Delete
Opens a dialog that helps deleting a selection of measurements. See also "Delete Measurements".

5. Options
Opens the Options dialog in which you can change the behavior of the Polybench system. See also "Options".

6. Log off
Logs the current user off.

7. ?
Opens the Help program with documentation about various features of the Manager.

8. Start Search Button
(Re-)starts the search using the text in the Patient Search Box.

9. Patient Search Box
Type a search query in this box to find a patient in the database. Type a word or number to find all similar items, or type an advanced search query explained here: "Query and search patient records".

10. Patient Search Selection Box
In this box all patients are listed that are found with the search criteria typed in the Patient Search Box.

11. Edit Patient button
Opens the Patient Record so you can change patient data.

12. New Patient button
Opens the Patient Record dialog where you can enter patient data for a new patient.

13. Measurement sessions list
Here all measurement sessions from the selected patient are listed. Double click on a session to view the recording files that it contains.

14. Refresh session list
Reloads the measurement sessions of the current patient.

15. Export selected signals
You may use this app to select parts of a signal data file and export those parts to a separate file. This app is also able to export signals to a .CSV file, which can then be imported in various other programs, such as spread sheet programs.

16. START Event detection
You have to run this app to prepare your signals in a way that the other apps can do (partly) automatic data analysis. In this app you select sections in your data file, and then this app tries to detect breath events.

17. FLOW/PRES Analysis
If your data files contain flow and pressure signals, then this app is able to calculate various spiromectric parameters. The START app has to be run prior to running this app.

18. RIP Analysis
If your data files contain signals from Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography (RIP), then this app is able to calculate various parameters in your data. The START app has to be run prior to running this app.

19. Statistics
This application calculates various general statistical parameters in any data file. You do not need to run the START app prior to running this app; you may use this app to get a quick view on you data files.

20. Gas analysis
This application calculates various parameters around gas components in the measurement data. The FLOW/PRES app has to be run prior to running this app.

21. Exit button
Exits the program.


The functions you can access on the main screen of the Data Manager are determined by the current user account.
If you log in as Administrator (default password 1234) you will have most of the available functions visible in the toolbar. If you log in as normal user (default password 0000) the possibilities are more limited. The setup account (default password 2040) has some special functions that need more advanced know-how of setting up and maintaining the system, while no patient data are visible.

In addition to the screen layout as is shown in the figure, also a keyboard may be visible in case the manager is set to Touch Screen mode. This setting can be set in the Options ("Options") screen.