Pulmochart - Software - ALD Germany

Pulmochart - Software

To obtain a download of one of the Pulmochart versions, please write us. Downloads are available for the versions:

Pulmochart 5.5 (2021-01-21, current version)
Pulmochart 5.0 (2019-10-31)
Pulmochart 4.24 (2017-09-01)
Pulmochart 4.22 (2017-02-21)

Older versions that were issued between 2013 and 2017 are also available on request.

Change notes

Pulmochart 5.5

- STATS app: All CSV storages converted to ';' as delimiter and '.' as decimal separator (US text).
- STATS app: Added Table storage for continuous analysis.
- STATS app: Added min and max to BrT-Stats; fixed and tested accuracy of calculations
- START app: improved 'edit previous analysis' to accomodate old and new versions
- added an 'exit page' in the START app
- Added percentiles to the BrT STATS

Pulmochart 5.4

- STATS app: Added functions to analyse BrT files - Variance and standard deviation online - ability to save results; lay out improvement.
- START-app: fixed START app when reading previous marked files. Now the correct marked file is chosen.
- SPIRO-app: Added Poi, Poe and LIP. Poi = Pressure onset of inspiration; Poe = Pressure onset of expiration; LIP = Lowest inspiratory pressure
- Fixed an issue that could hang any of the apps.

(Pulmochart 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 were not generally released)

Pulmochart 5.0

- version numbers have been synchronised
- layout changes
- manual updated
- RIP-app: improved file handling, improved user interface tools
- SPIRO-app: Changed ATPS - BTPS correction (approximation formula updated)
- SPIRO-app: Minor adjustments to Cdyn calculation (corrected timing of calculation of Cdyn to new Vt's and PIP/PEEP calculations)
- SPIRO-app: Minor change to PEEP/PIP detection: PIP is highest pressure during inspiration, PEEP lowest during expiration.

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