Pulmochart Reference (ver. 5.5)
Store the results per breath.

Store breath triggered results


Storage of breath triggered results can be performed


Store breath triggered results
The spirometric results can be stored as breath triggered results. The name of the resulting file is shown above this button. The progress of the storage is shown in the Progress: display. The storage process can be stopped by clicking Stop.

Resulting file:
The file with the breath triggered results is called "...All SPIRO N BrT.csv", where "N" is the number of the current analysis.

The progress-bar shows the progress of the storage of breath triggered results, starting with 0/100%.

This button stops the storage of breath triggered results.

This button directs back to the calculation of spirometric results ("View results of FLOW/PRES analysis per breath").

Show BrT results >>
This button directs to a review of the spirometric and the breath triggered results ("Breath triggered results of FLOW/PRES analysis - trendlines").